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Gospel Pastors Reading Room Finests and Reviews are interactive reading materials designed to serve as a tool and assistance in your approach to purposeful use of literary materials.  Whether it is a book that we want you to read and submit your reviews or sermon and bible study materials with notes, Gospel Pastors want you to become a participant in our exercises. 

What is Christianity?  Review the definition that the writers' are using to describe Christianity.  Click on the link below and review for yourself and give us your feedback. 

A Definition of Christianity

Read "The Anatomy of A Spiritual Disaster" let us know whether the current title is correct or should another title would have better served the text and materials. 

Review the Anatomy of A Spritual Disaster

What is the writer's points in an outline form to the "On Being Holy?"

Review - "On Being Holy"

Look at the Classic Church History timeline of activities and events below.  What events do you feel are missing or should have been included?

Review the Church History Timelines

What about politics?  What materials do you have that points to the preacher's required response to a political situation or environment?  Let is know below!

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Review Holidays and Christianity


Holidays, feasts and fasts are a significant part of Christian religious practice. The feast days celebrate joyous historical events, such as the birth and resurrection of Christ, while the fast days provide a special opportunity to focus on self-reflection, self-discipline, and repentance. Some Christian holidays have come to have a considerable impact on western culture and traditions.

Brief History
Holidays have been a part of Christianity from the beginning, with Easter being the oldest.

Mardi Gras
Celebrated on the last day before Lent, this is a day to enjoy one last feast before the 40-day fast.   

The season of Advent (adventus, "coming") marks the beginning of the church year and the approach of Christmas.

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the sixth Sunday of Lent and the last Sunday before Easter. It commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

Ash Wednesday
The first day of Lent, a period of fasting that leads up to Easter. Its central ritual is placing of ashes on the forehead.

St. Andrew's Day
St. Andrew's Day marks the martyrdom of the apostle Andrew, brother to Saint Peter, and is especially associated with Scottish identity.

Boxing Day
Celebrated in Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, this was when servants and the poor were traditionally given gifts.

St. Patrick's Day
The Catholic feast day that honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is celebrated worldwide by the Irish, those of Irish descent, or "Irish for a day."

The celebration of the birth of Jesus. The English word "Christmas" derives from the old English Christes maesse, or "Christ's mass."

In Christianity, the day of the week devoted to rest and worship is Sunday, or the "Lord's Day."

Easter is a spring festival that celebrates the resurrection of Christ. It is the oldest Christian holiday and the most important day of the church year.

Celebrates a shared meal between Christian Pilgrims and Native Americans. It is not a religious holiday, but has an interesting, semi-religious history.

The celebration of Epiphany (epiphaneia, "manifestation") recalls the visit of the Magi, symbolizing Christ's manifestation to Gentiles.

Twelfth Night
Made famous by the Shakespearean play, this marks the end of the Christmas season.

Lent is a 40-day period of fasting and repentance in preparation for Easter.

Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is a celebration of romantic love. Although associated with a saint, modern Valentine's Day is a non-religious holiday.

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